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Example of Product X features and user storys

In the context of software product development, a feature is a specific function or characteristic of a product that provides value to customers¹. It can include capabilities, design elements, or performance upgrades¹. Features are often requested by stakeholders as part of their vision for their entire project³. They make up the backbone of the software and how it is used by its target audience³.

When defining features, you have to look beyond what you want to build — focusing instead on which problems you can solve¹. This could mean setting aside shiny new ideas for the less glamorous ones your customers have been asking for¹. It can also mean building fewer features — there is a misconception that the more functionality you add, the more people will like your product (when in reality the inverse is often true)¹.

For product managers, defining and prioritizing features to build is a key aspect of the role¹. You are responsible for ensuring that any new or updated product features align with your business and product strategy¹. To do this, most product teams follow a consistent, repeatable method for writing product features¹.

In the context of software product lines, the concept of features is central to achieving a level of automation, because features bridge the gap between the requirements the customer has and the functionality a product provides².

  1. What Are Product Features? Tips, Templates, and Examples | Aha! software.
  2. What is a feature in software development? | 6B.
  3. Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines: Concepts and ... - Springer.
  4. What is the meaning of a software product feature?.

About example product

We met the customer yesterday and discussed the necessary changes in our current service. We collect the most important of these in this page. Let's refine your understanding at next week's meeting.I also wrote the most important requirements in the form of User Stories.

Here are the features named together with the customer (these are also used for the preparation of the offer)


  • Feature-Backup System 1.0
  • Feature-Service-Analytics 1.0
  • Feature-Fedback System 1.0
  • Feature-GDPR-Info 1.0
  • Feature-Log-Management 1.0
  • Feature-Wimma-Lab theme
  • Feature password management
  • Feature-twitter-sequel
  • Feature-account-depreciation
  • Feature-Circus-Filtter
  • Epic General-Security-Confirmation
  • Epic General Bug Fixes

User Storys?

In the context of software development, User Stories and Features are closely related but serve different purposes.

A Feature is a distinct element of functionality that can provide value to a user³. It's a high-level description of a software's functionality³.

On the other hand, a User Story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a feature from an end-user perspective¹. It's a simple, informal explanation of one or more aspects of a feature, written from the perspective of the end user¹. The purpose of a user story is to articulate how a piece of work (a feature) will deliver a particular value back to the customer¹.

User stories help to understand the functionality of a feature from the user's point of view, and they guide the development of features. They are often expressed in a simple sentence like: "As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [a benefit/a value]".

In essence, User Stories are used to break down Features into manageable chunks that can be worked on independently by the development team². They help to ensure that all stakeholders have a common understanding of what is being built and why¹. This makes them a crucial link between the concept of a feature and its implementation³.

So, while a feature is a broad functionality of the software, a user story is a single, implementable aspect of that functionality, seen from the user's perspective³. They are two sides of the same coin, helping to ensure that the software built aligns with the needs and expectations of the users⁵.

  1. What is the difference between user stories and features?.
  2. User Stories | Examples and Template | Atlassian.
  3. Understanding Epics, Features, And User Stories - Scrum District.
  4. Why User Stories are Critical for Software Development.
  5. What are user stories, and who should write them?.
Prioriteetti ID User Story Feature?
P1 US200 As a commissioner, I hope that moving between the forum and Wimma Lab sites is clear because the forum is an independent service
P1 US201 As a commissioner, I hope the site looks visually uniform if the user moves to the forum
P1 US202 As a forum user, I wish I could easily return to the Wimma Lab because I want to look at it again
P1 US203 As a customer, I want the colors of the service to follow the style of Wimma Lab
P1 US204 Customer I hope I will have access to a training video that allows me to inform users about the characteristics of the forum
P1 US205 As a customer, we require use of https connections
P1 US206 Customer I hope the previously known reported bugs will be fixed
P1 US207 As a customer, I would like to get a product assignment in the Release Note format, which explains the final fault and security level
P1 US208 Information security as responsible for hope I will receive a report on the implementation of the software implementation security level AKA "NPM Audit"
P2 US209 Wimma Lab as a marketing representative I hope I have the opportunity to present the main forum features in the form of a video, duration 1 min
P2 US210 As a client, I want the service to point out the article (in Finnish) of the content of the text if it contains a "inferior" language.
P2 US211 As a forum user, I would like to change my old password as secured, because in the current implementation I can inadvertently enter it incorrectly
P3 US212 As a forum user, I would like to share my posting post with Twitter, if necessary, to the outside world, because sometimes it is good to inform the outside world of Wimmalab events.
P3 US213 As a forum user, I want to reset the forgotten password by email - Aka Mailhog Container
P3 US214 As a forum user, I want to delete all the information related to my user account when deleting
P3 US215 As a moderator, I would like to add new words to the prohibition list by editing a separate JSON/YAML file

Feature description, User Storys and Acceptance Criteria

Sure, let's consider a feature for an online shopping platform: "Product Review and Rating".

Feature Description: The "Product Review and Rating" feature allows customers to leave reviews and ratings for products they have purchased. This feature helps potential buyers make informed decisions based on the experiences of others.

User Stories:

  1. User Story: As a customer, I want to rate a product so that I can express my satisfaction or dissatisfaction with it.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • After purchasing a product, the customer should be able to rate it on a scale of 1 to 5.
      • The rating should be saved and displayed on the product page.
  2. User Story: As a customer, I want to write a review of a product so that I can share my experience with others.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • After purchasing a product, the customer should be able to write a review.
      • The review should be saved and displayed on the product page.
      • The review should include the date it was posted and the customer's username.
  3. User Story: As a potential buyer, I want to see the average rating and read reviews of a product so that I can make an informed decision.

    • Acceptance Criteria:
      • The average rating of a product should be displayed on the product page.
      • All reviews for the product should be displayed on the product page.
      • Reviews should be sorted by date, with the most recent at the top.

This is a simplified example, but it gives an idea of how features, user stories, and acceptance criteria are related and used in software development. Each user story provides a different perspective on the feature, and the acceptance criteria define what needs to be done for the story to be considered complete. This helps ensure that the developed feature meets the needs of the users.