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Assesment of FF (IT) Course 2025

The performance of the course is assessed as follows:

By default course assesment is PASS/FAILED.

Which means:

  • You have delivered Personal learning diary and done self assessment of your own performance
  • You have performend Sustainable Development studies
  • You have active working with your project team and cumulative work hours reach minimum PASS level (minimum 150 h - maximum 250 h)
  • Whole team will execute peer review internally among the team. Results are delivered as part of team specific project end report
  • The activities of the project group are monitored throughout the spring, and based on this, an understanding of how the different groups succeed in their tasks is created.
Item Where/What
Sustainable development - course PASSED
Personal Learning Diary DELIVERED in Moolde
Time reporting which cover minimum 150 hours of work FORM survey
Team specific End Report Delivered in Moodle
(If low work time activity) Special Task Link and material deliverer in Moodle


  • If you vould like to get assesment as gradeing 4-5 you have to deliver specific time report + learning diary learned skills and results during the project. Also team review should be according you expected grade level.

  • If the group drifts into a crisis situation, but survives from it with honor, that is a very good merit!