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How to prepare?


I have decided to collect a few tips on one page:

  • Projects will progress according the predefined schedule
  • All project teams will consist of 5-6 people
  • Some of teams are communicating in english by default
  • There is support also in finnish
  • the project teams will work for the same assignement
  • Teams are formed based on the Team Role Survey and interest for future carreer (if possible)
  • The structure of the each teams will be defined before the start of any project
  • All teams will use Gitlab and OPF-framework for all documenation
  • Every participant is obliged to participate in the activities of their own team on the start day, and only in special exceptional situations can an exemption be granted.

The following things should be in order

  • Make Sure you have enought ECTs until you enroll for Future Factory (IT)-project. Working in project will be more interesting and fun if you have enough background or enough basic studies.

Check through list below about skills you should recap before joining

  • Basic use of OPF framework
  • Know how to use of Gitlab + git client basics
  • Recap the basics of Linux (ps, grep, mkdir, ls, kill, ENV, sh, sudo, ssh)
  • You have knowlede of concepts like project, schedule, gates, issues and user storys)
  • You understand some basics of requirements definition profiling, stakeholder, customer journey paths, mockup, functional requirements, non-functional requirements, Feature)
  • Recap some Agile development concepts like sprint, Backlog, User Story
  • Recap the basics of programming eg. Python basics
  • Recap basics of the networking (TCP-IP, ports, gateway, dhcp, firewall, proxy, dns, https, http, ssh)
  • Recap for Full Stack (JavaScript,React, NodeJs, Mongo/MySQL)

What we are going to learn together

Useful skills have been collected below, with which the project's goals can be successfully brought to the finish line.

  • To communicate with different stakeholders
  • To work as a team of different skill sets
  • To share information within the team and other stakeholdes
  • To practice time management
