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Recognition of prior learning

What are Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience as well as Accreditation?

Recognition of prior learning and experience means that you are able to identify what you already know, allowing you to apply for accreditation of your competence (see Degree Regulations, Section 17). You may have acquired prior learning, or you may acquire it during your studies, in many different ways by studying in another institution of higher education, by working or by engaging in project or volunteer work.


How to progress with Future Factory IT ?

This is specific information for FF IT implementation only! Because we are focusing heavily on software development and services we are expecting work experience from the same domain. If you are working as trainee for software service or development domain you should be able to go through recognition process, but rememember:

You should not execute your traineeship and Future Factory IT in simultaneous

Info in English

Info in Finnish

What is needed to do

Future Factory IT is 10 ECTs course implementation which is integrating also 2 ECTs "Sustainable Development" -course in Moodle.

It's possible student has already work experince and background for project working thats why It possible to get recognition for prior experience. Remember you have to full fill first 750 h traineeship phase All hours after traineeship are valid for recognition process.

Anyone who wants to recognite prior experience have to return reports listed below:

  • Deliver a documents (Defined later before) which contains explanation for primary tasks in work environment. Report must be signed by supervisor of the work place
  • Personal Learning Diary (150-200h of work time for real life company)
  • Execute "Sustainable Develpment" course and deliver report for it

Korvaavuuden hakeminen eAHOT

Projektyön osalta toimita kaikki todisteet eAHOT-järjestelmään


You should deliver all evidences about your prior project work experience to the PEPPI eRPL-system. Read more about eRPL process link below:


  • Q: Do I have to enroll for FF IT course if I would like anyway get a recoginition for whole course?
  • A: Yes you should, because it's easier for everyone. Biggest reason is integration of sustainable development studied which are integrated in FF IT studies.

  • Q: I have done already sustainable development studies before?

  • A: Please use eRPL/eAHTO to get those studies accepted as transfered credits


A: I am currently working at company for my traineeship 750 h and I will continue working after that :) * This simple case: Join FF IT later when you are done you traineeship. If you are still working you can collect your study report from your work (150-200h/work) * You have to also execute "Sustainable Development"-course as personal studies.

B: I have been working at company couple months? I would like to continue working there but also do FF studies * You have to be able to work in same schedule with other students? If is not possible you should continue working at your current job. * You can collect your learnig diary report from context of your current work (Report should cover 150-200h of work) * You have to execute "Sustainable Development"-course as personal studies.

C: I dont wanna join FF IT * Only way is to get a real job and write a learning diary according you work * You still have to execute "Sustainable Development"-course

**D: I have been studying sustainable development already! But I haven't been working in real life projects :( * Let's check this out face to face. It's possible that we can accept sustanable development studies, but you have to join FF IT Project