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Future Factory Orientation Days 2025

Welcome to the journey!

Schedule and agenda as Mural Board

Orientation Day Agenda 19.1.2025

Here is link to ZOOM-channel

  • The First Daily Scrum/Meeting together at 9:00 on ZOOM Channel
  • About Daily Scrum
  • 9:15 Team specific Daily meeting on TEAMS-channel
  • Team Info Survey
  • 9:45 Hour reporting and "How we are doing?" issues recap and current project status?
  • 9:50 Remember full fill attendance FORMS-survey below!
  • 10:00 Team specific Issue board checking and recap of tasks, user storys and features
  • About label usage
  • 11:00 Eating
  • 12:00 Introduction to SFIA and skills frameworks
  • Skill list
  • 12:30 Competency survey and official launch of team activities
  • 13:00 Team working continues...
  • 16:00 End of day

You can start the work as soon as it suits you. It is better to agree in a group if the schedule requires flexibility.

  • Monday 8:30 - 16:00
  • Friday 8:30 - 16:00
  • Other days / weekends

Attendance List for Orientation Days

Already happened

Purpose of orientation Days?

First week: Our primary target is build up teams and share information about project working methods and process. There is plenty of issues to go through so Please reserve whole day (Monday & Friday ) for the orientation!

Who are invited for orientation days?

  • This event is focused only for all course participants who are going to work with projects during spring 2025
  • If you are doing Sustainable Development studies you can continue with Moodle Assingments

Agenda 15.1.2025

As allways there can be some problems with setting up things. JOIN TEAMS CHANNEL so we can inform possible changes at the mornign Primary communication channel is on ZOOM. I wont answer email, because there is no time to react on those messages.

Here is link to ZOOM-channel

  • 9:00 Welcome and short introduction to the course
  • 9:05 Attendance List
  • 9:10 Checklist for the orientation day at Mural-board
  • 9:15 Sustainable Sevelopment studies and integration as part of FF(IT) studies
  • 9:30 About the project working and assesment of course
  • 9:45 Creating teams and connecting people to projects environments
  • 11:00 eating
  • 12:00 Introduction continues
  • Product Owner concept and PO's Board
  • Project group-specific Board
  • About Tribe model
  • 13:00 (All coaches and peer students introduce themselves)
  • 14:00 Team working starting and first tasking
  • 16:00 End of day

Important concepts to recap and study with:

Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team Leader, Sprint, Sprint planning, Issue/Ticket, User Story, Stakeholder, Customer