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Official Checkpoints for the gate

Review criteria's and process

  • For the checkpoints mentioned below, 5 points are randomly selected and checked from project documentation written by the selected team.
  • The preview is done by the customer, instructor, external project manager or other authority together
  • E1 previews group-specific MockUps. Each group briefly presents its product to the customer. Based on the feedback, the specification of requirements can still be modified.
  • In connection with the E1 inspection, a signing ceremony of the project contract with the client is also held. Also, be prepared that the client will ask more detailed questions (list below).

Possible check items:

What must be ready for E1 review:

  1. Offer to the customer (printed A4 document if necessary)
  2. Project plan (includes risk management and communication plan) ready for viewing
  3. If necessary, the workload estimate as an EXCEL file
  4. Requirements specification for viewing
  5. Refined feature + Mockup presentable to the customer.
  6. Project contract ready to be signed (if necessary, A4 printouts)
  7. The most important test cases recorded on the Testlink server (a link can be found in the General Test Plan)

Worth noting

  • Check that the contents do not show "template" garbage, but that they are appropriate and can be presented to e.g. an outside person.
  • The goal is that all necessary information can be found in the produced documents.
  • So-called orphan wiki pages should be avoided. It is convenient to make links directly to sub-pages from the project plan and use them to rationalize the entire documentation.
Check item OK/NOK Which are fixed Who will fix it?
The group's introduction can be found on the home page :-1: - -
Work Hourd recording in use and up-to-date :-1: - -
Schedules found form the project plan? :-1: - -
The initial User Stories are recorded in the backlog :-1: - -
Gates for project documented + Gantt chart can be found in the project plan :-1: - -
Resourcing/resposibilities: the project plan shows a rough division of tasks :-1: - -
Workload and cost estimate can be found in the project plan :-1: - -
Links are working among all documentation/material :-1: - -
Rough delivery order for solution defined as "roadmap". In what order the features are going to be released :-1: - -
The project plan exists and is up-to-date :-1: - -
Initial phase prioritization. Which features are made first? Rough schedule? :-1: - -
Shared information about the customer/subscriber? :-1: - -
Customer target group described, for whom the product is made (can be found in the specification of requirements) :-1: - -
Does the group present an offer to the client. The hourly rate has been agreed to be following :-1: - -
The risk management plan can be found as part of the project plan (the link to the page also works) :-1: - -
The communication plan can be found in the project plan (the link to the page also works) :-1: - -
Is the requirement definition document available? :-1: - -
Roles, actors and stakeholders described :-1: - -
Main functions/features listed :-1: - -
Preliminary order of delivery for different features recorded in "Roadmap" format. It can be found, for example, in the requirement specification :-1: - -
User interface examples / demo environment. In the requirements specification you can find links to the mock implementation :-1: - -
The project agreement can be found :-1: - -
An A4 printout of the project contract is easily available :-1: - -
The communication plan can be found :-1: - -
Pre-definition of the most important communication situations, see communication plan :-1: - -
Description of roles, Who does what and when? :-1: - -
Is there a risk management list? :-1: - -
Identified risks :-1: - -
Prioritization? :-1: - -
If a risk occurs, will it be clear who/what does what and when? :-1: - -
Rough outline of the required database/data warehouse solution :-1: - -
Description of the technology choices made (in requirements definition or architecture description) :-1: - -