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GATE 3 Checklist

In the E3 Etap, the goal is to provide a developed software solution for the target audience selected for trial use.The goal is to collect observations and observations on the current implementation.

The implemented product will be made for the functional features that are believed to remain sufficient during the test :) As you prepare to present your implementation to the target group, make sure the following:

  • Look for people who belong to stakeholders/target groups and ask them to test the mockup implementation!
  • Produce a single A4 (Power Point membrane) from which the product can be briefly presented and the main points are recorded in readable format (also in English)
  • Divide a link to test users for project documentation and mockup
  • Prepare the demo in advance and check that it has been discussed with the team.
  • Collect the observations and ideas of the test group (one of the group acts as secretary)

Particular attention!

  • Presentation can be attended by people who may not have any idea of software development and technologies behind them.
  • Efforts to avoid too much technical discussions.Focus on the wishes of the test group!
  • Build a consensus between them and your own implementation.

Steering Group meeting

It is possible that a brief management team meeting with selected groups will be held during the review.

  • Steering Group briefly
  • As a result, the project team updates the situation

** Situation review answers the questions: **

  • Group members
  • Tasks
  • Spent time used for different tasks
  • Current price tag for work done
  • What has been achieved
  • What can be delivered to the customer right now!