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Tasks before assesment

Next tasks should be done before any progress for assesment will happen...

Last tasks for FF (IT) and assesment process

Hi all!

This is message for all project teams and participants of Future Factory (IT) implementation for Spring 2025.

Last tasks to do before assesment process

  1. Execute sustainable development course assingment in Moodle
  2. Return you personal learning diarty in PDF format in Moodle
  3. Return as a team project end report in PDF format in Moodle
  4. Check you hours for Project
  5. If you want grading (1-5) for the course you should make request for teacher as default it will be PASS/FAIL. Make request by fullfilling this
  6. If you worked in FF(IT) project you need to fill "Competence Growth"-survey as a last task after you have written you learning diary Link to survey
  7. As a team please shut down services at CSC
  8. Give feedback about course in PEPPI!

Huomiota suomeksi

  • Voit palauttaa raportit suomeksi
  • Yksi henkilö tiimistä palauttaa projektin loppuraporit ja siitä täytyy löytyä kaikkien tiimiläisten allekirjoitus. Kansilehteen kannattaa laittaa tiimin numero ja nimi
  • Suljetaan mahdolliset palvelut CSC:n puolella, ettei kuluteta enempää resursseja.
Responsibilty Description Info
Personal Make sure you have done Sustainable Development course in Moodle In English or In Finnish Do assignments and return essay
Personal Check and update your work hours Make sure you have all hours recorded for you project
Personal Return your personal learning diary with self assesment Return diary in PDF format in Moodle with self assesment
Team As team return project report with team assesment Return team report in PDF format in Moodle with team member open assesment
Team Update your project web pages with selected examples of your service Add link to "evidences" eg. Robot Framework video etc.
Team Create short project summary for outside world :) Add page inside your OPF and and also link to it from your home page
Personal Fullfill competence research questionary FORMS