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Personal learning diary (Template)

  • The learning report is applied, if necessary, depending on the situation..
  • Record the key things you learned during the study period in this document, your own blog, a memo, etc.
  • You can also write about unclear issues or problems related to the topic and how they were resolved.
  • Finally, you can evaluate your own learning, for example, did you reach the goals you set and if you didn't, what was the reason.
  • You can delete or change these ready-made text passages completely freely.
  • If you have questions or problems about filling this out, contact the teacher.

At first

My goals / interests

  • Record your goals for the course: what you want to learn.

My background / previous competence (compare your competence with the competence objectives of the course)

  • Familiarize yourself with the learning objectives of the course - what do you already know about them?
  • In order for the teaching to be better directed to your needs, please also tell us a little about your background (e.g. what you already know about the subject being taught).
  • If possible, immediately start building some kind of concept map of how the things appearing in the Study Course are related to each other.
  • Define in your own words the key terms appearing in the Study Course and compare them with those presented in the Study Course.

My challenge / project work

  • Immediately start thinking about which problem you face in your own life that you want the Study Course to solve.
  • Enter here both the description of the problem and its potential solution options.
  • Start gathering a project team that is interested in solving the same problem. Exchange contact information and also agree on schedules so that you can meet each other regularly.

Project progress...

  • Write here which were the most important themes in your opinion.
  • The most important thing is that you tell what new things you actually learn. It can be something general, such as "I learned that the following things should be paid attention to in the various stages of planning x: ...", "XX is especially important..." or you can also mention some little trick that is useful for you, e.g. " In the Nn tool, Zz is done with the Yy command of the Xx menu" and you can use the Alt+PrintScreen key combination to grab a picture from the screen, for example. Don't fill in this section just "out of necessity", but think about whether you really learn something new!. In addition to that, you have to think about the importance of the things taught to you, either now or in the future.
  • Also write down what ideas, sensations or unclear things that came to mind in the teaching situation or while getting to know the topic. For example, if something special made you wonder if it was really like that, you could bring it up. Also, general feedback on e.g. the pace of the course, etc. helps the teacher to make corrections to the course in the future.
  • You can also record thoughts that have arisen in your own (working) life or search for information about the subjects of the study course, e.g. by searching for information on the web.


At the end of the study period, write down how you achieved

  • 1) the goals you set
  • 2) Competence objectives set for the course
  • Tell the most difficult problems and how you solved them
  • Also tell us how you plan to improve your own way of learning new things in the future
  • Finally, write down a few things about how you would develop the course or the teacher's teaching style going forward.

Personal rating ?

  • Also give yourself an honest grade with reasons