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Business co-operation

Why should we cooperate?

JAMK Future Factory is a course that focuses on project learning. In the implementation of the IT Institute's Future Factory (IT) study course, the focus is on the development of software services, and almost all people studying at the IT Institute go through it. The study course offers the best view of future experts and at this stage it is good to make your company known to students in the field.

How are we organized 2024

How will business cooperation be carried out during spring 2024?

The aim of the Future Factory (IT) study course is to train student groups to work in accordance with the principles of agile development and to develop a managed service complex from the selected software. The project starts from a situation where the project documentation exists in some form, but the technical implementation is practically missing. The project schedule can be seen here Since the schedule is tight, various visiting lectures are practically excluded, so that we can get enough booked working time to solve the different challenges of the project. Because of this, it is intended to look for different short information shock-like presentations about situations related to software projects:

  • There are many of us! How do you get along with different team members?
  • SCRUM! What on earth?
  • Sprint planning in practice?
  • How do I google correctly?
  • Where can I find the best tips?
  • About the importance of communication? Why should the project be communicated to the outside world?
  • Virtual working? How is it practically different from before?
  • See you at Daily! Grab a cup and reach for it?
  • What does prioritizing stories mean in practice and what does it affect?
  • What to do in retro?
  • How to make workload values ​​in practice?
  • How should you prepare a good User Story?
  • What to consider when planning your first manual test?
  • What happens in the project status review?
  • How are the acceptance criteria chosen?
  • What does DOD = Definition of Done mean in practice?
  • Yes, it's so Agile now!
  • About drafting a project plan? What should be taken into account?
  • Let's make the customer an offer they can't refuse!
  • How do you work with the customer?
  • How does service design help the project get started?
  • Why is requirements definition useful?

So what is needed?

  • Come and visit virtually after the morning daily meeting from 9:15-9:30
  • Record a short video on the topic of your choice (max 15 min) and send the link
  • The video can also be recorded in the form of an interview, i.e. the undersigned asks a question and the presenter tells how the job is done :) The conversation is recorded. *