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Last check's before course end

Assesment's is still waiting for some steps from you!

  • DEALINE FOR ALL TASKS: Friday 10.4.2024


Check point Description
MANDATORY AS PERSONAL Check your worktime report! Make sure you have minimum 150 hours of worktime records. Report missing hours if there is such.
MANDATORY AS PERSONAL Pass through Sustainable Development-course in Moodle! (ITs part of FF studies worth of 2 ECTs)
MANDATORY AS PERSONAL Deliver Personal Learning Diary to Moodle ( REMEMBER to include document with you personal assesment about your working 1-5 )
MANDATORY AS PERSONAL Answer PEPPI Course Feedback for the FF course ID: ZZPP0920-3056
MANDATORY AS PERSONAL Answer Competence Growth Survey

About format of reports and diarys

  • You can deliver your personal learning diary in Finnsh or in English
  • Projet Teams End Report in Finnsh of in English
  • Only PDF Files accepted only! Do no use Markdown/Word/txt as Moodle attachements

Criterias for PASS/FAIL for the course

If you would like to assesment for course as PASS/FAIL you have to pass through criterias below:

  • Sustainable Development course passed
  • minimum 150 hours of work time reported
  • Personal Learning Diary with personal assesment (self reflection) (1-5)
  • Active project working (Peer assement included in project end report)

If working hours are too low there will be [special assignment] or course credit will be 1

Criterias for Assesment with Credits 4-5

  • Full Fill Assesment Survey
  • 170-250 hours of recorded worktime

  • Personal Learning Diary with personal assesment (self reflection) (1-5)
  • Active Role in project working (Team's Peer assement has to be > 4 of 5 )
  • Three primary learining areas and evidences delivered

MOODLE SPACES for Sustainable Development: