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Demo Day

Welcome to the demo day!

We are organizing demo day of Future Factory (IT) projects!

  • Time Monday 15.4.2024 at 12:15-14:00
  • Location on ZOOM-channel


  • 12:15 Short Intro
  • 12:25 Team Demos on ZOOM sub channels
  • 13:45 Let's gather together and discuss
  • 14:00 End of Demo Day

What is it about?

During Future Factory (IT) 23 teams have working on the development of the software service development.

Each group has been developing further the service previously developed by WIMMA Lab Iotitude .The software service called as Tukko 1.0 has been under bug fixes, security scanning or been expanded with new features. Each teams have chosen focus areas based on their own skills.

So now is the moment to introduce what's getting done by to teams. Is also the moment when you, in the role of visitor or end user, can give your feedback about work what teams have done! You can see demos and try out the service and get to know future experts in the software industry at the same time!

About Assigment 2024

At Jamk's Future Factory (IT) 2024 course, student teams of the 2nd year course have worked on a reference service called Tukko 1.0. This service was developed by WIMMA Lab team at summer 2023. The assignment was set by Combitech Team. You can find more information about assigment from here.

Regards, NarsuMan & Future Factory (IT) Team

The products can be found at the following addresses

Id: Team and status Demo
Id: Team and status Projet pages Homepage
T1 Synergy Demo Info Home Page
T2 Duck Tape Solutions Demo Info Home Page
T3 TechTitans Demo Info Home Page
T4 Ca&Do Demo Info Home Page
T5 Hopbit Demo Info Home Page
T6 SnowByte Demo Info Home Page
T7 Cven Demo Info Home Page
T8 Flying Hippos Demo Info Home Page
T9 ESCapes Demo Info Home Page
T10 Team CodeCrafters Demo Info Home Page
T11 DataDynamo Demo Info Home Page
T12 Tech 12 Demo Info Home Page
T13 codemonkes Demo Info Home Page
T14 TeamXIV Demo Info Home Page
T15 Good Name Demo Info Home Page
T16 Future 16 Demo Info Home Page
T17 Dev Pipeline Demo Info Home Page
T18 Innovateforge Solutions Demo Info Home Page
T19 Code Nineteen Demo Info Home Page
T20 Code Twisters Demo Info Home Page
T21 Croissant Demo Info Home Page
T22 Kaizen Demo Info Home Page
T23 GUI Guerillas Demo Info Home Page