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About review

  • For the checkpoints mentioned below, 5 check points are randomly selected and if these are approved, E1 can be accepted as review point of view
  • The review is done by the customer or selected end users, instructor and externals
  • Group should be able to shoe several evidences about working before E1

  • OFFER PAGE updated before 12:00

  • We keep team level offer secret before review

Important documents to be reviewed

  • Team introduction/Web Page
  • Current Status
  • Offer to the customer
  • Project plan/communication/risks in order
  • Requirement Specification
  • Feature Roadmap
  • Mockup for som selected features
  • Budget for whole project - in EXCEL-format
  • Short Web Page/PowerPoint as team introduction

  • Check that the documentation does not do not contain misleadin "template" garbage. Documents should be appropriate and can be presented to e.g. an outside person.

  • Make sure you all material easy to be share
  • You can speak Finnish, but by default session in English

Official Checkpoints for E1 Offer & review

Check point id Description Status
CheckPoint01 The group's introduction can be found on the wiki or on the home page ?
CheckPoint02 Recording of Work hours in use and up-to-date ?
CheckPoint03 Project schedule updated in the project plan? ?
CheckPoint04 Feature specific User Stories are known by team !!!This is done after review!!!
CheckPoint05 Project phases/etages (G0-G5) recorded + Gantt chart can be found in the project plan ?
CheckPoint06 Preresourcing / division of tasks: the project plan shows a rough division of roles ?
CheckPoint07 The workload estimate can be found in the project plan ?
CheckPoint08 Linking between documentation/material is working ?
CheckPoint09 Feature "roadmap" defined. In which order the features are going to be released ?
CheckPoint10 Preliminary Test Cases defined for features and documented in requirement specification or Eser Story issue ?
CheckPoint11 Initial feature prioritization. Which features are made first? Why? ?
CheckPoint12 Stakeholders information documented? Who is a client? Who is a end users? etc.. ?
CheckPoint13 End User target group profiled, for whom the product is made (can be found in the specification of requirements) ?
CheckPoint14 The group has an offer to the customer. The hourly prices has been according the catalog ?
CheckPoint15 Link to the risk management plan can be found from the project plan (and updated) ?
CheckPoint16 Link to the communication plan can be found from the the project plan (and updated) ?
CheckPoint17 Link to the requirement specification document can be found from the project plan (and updated) ?
CheckPoint18 Roles, actors and stakeholders described ?
CheckPoint19 Main features of the product described in requirement specification (MindMap eg.) ?
CheckPoint20 User interface example as Mockups defined and will be able to open by the customer without extra authentiation ?
CheckPoint21 In the requirements specification you can find links to the mock implementation or embended images ?
CheckPoint22 The project agreement/contract updated (OPTIONAL) NOT NEEDED
CheckPoint23 An A4 printout of the project contract is easily available NOT NEEDED
CheckPoint24 The risk management plan can be found as part of the project plan (the link to the page also works) ?
CheckPoint25 The communication plan can be found in the project plan (the link to the page also works) ?
CheckPoint26 Non Functional - Security requirements defined and documented in requirement specification ?
CheckPoint27 Roles, actors and stakeholders defined and described ?
CheckPoint28 Planneded (In roadmap) functions/features documented so there is backgrounding for feature ?
CheckPoint29 Release plan for product features visualized as Gitlab "Roadmap"-view ?
CheckPoint30 User interface examples / demo environment. In the requirements specification you can find links to the mock implementation ?
CheckPoint31 The project agreement can be found ?
CheckPoint32 Selected Features are documented in requirement specification as own pages ?
CheckPoint33 Product Mindmap updated ?
CheckPoint35 There is updated risk management list? ?
CheckPoint36 Team has identified risks (10-20) ?
CheckPoint37 The Feature Roadmap is known by all members ?
CheckPoint37 If some risk occurs, will it be clear who/what will happen then --> Let's check risk management ?
CheckPoint38 Rough outline of the required system architecure/database/data warehouse solution in requirement spefication ?
CheckPoint39 Selected technology choices recorded (in requirements specification or architecture description) ?
CheckPoint40 The Budjet proposal for Sprints 03-07 What does this cost to customer? Includes also Excel-file to show calculation ?
CheckPoint41 Master Test Plan Updated for project ?
CheckPoint42 Test Case ideas documented in feature descriptions ?

General process before E1

Each teams are going through multiple pahts. Team members are assigned for certain tasks which are needed to execute before planning phase is over.

uml diagram