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Test Case - Verification - Validation ?

Test Cases as ISSUES (Proposed way of working for FF(IT) 2024)

About V-model

Possible methods to document test case

There is several ways to document test cases. You can select your way according your team needs. Here below is some example methods to document

  • (Original) OPF and Mark Down :
  • (Proposed) Create Test Case as own issue:
  • Use Gitlab own test Case feature:
  • Use separate Test Management Tool eg. or Meliora

Why we should document Test Cases?

  1. Clarity and Consistency: Detailed documentation ensures that testers understand the test objectives and steps clearly. It maintains consistency across the testing process.
  2. Coverage Guarantee: For each requirement, there should be at least two test cases—one positive and one negative. Documentation helps track this coverage.
  3. Effective Communication: Test cases serve as a communication bridge between team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding testing expectations.
  4. Bug Detection: Well-documented test cases help identify defects early, allowing timely fixes.
  5. Efficient Regression Testing: Documentation facilitates retesting during maintenance or updates.

Remember, thorough test case documentation contributes to overall software quality and reliability 🚀¹²³.

  1. What Is a Test Case? Examples, Types and Format - Applause.
  2. What Is Test Documentation and Why Do We Need It?.
  3. What is a Test Case? Test Case Examples | ArtOfTesting.
  4. Means Test: Definition, How It Works, Examples - Investopedia.
  5. Test case - Wikipedia.
  6. Test case Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster.

Test Automation and Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework that serves multiple purposes:

  1. Test Automation: It allows you to create and execute automated test cases. Whether you're testing web applications, APIs, or other software components, Robot Framework provides an easy-to-read syntax using human-readable keywords.

  2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Beyond testing, Robot Framework can be used for RPA. It helps automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry, file manipulation, and interaction with other applications.

  3. Extensibility: Robot Framework is open and extensible. You can integrate it with various tools and libraries, extending its capabilities. It supports Python, Java, and other programming languages.

  4. Rich Ecosystem: The framework has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools. For example:

    • SeleniumLibrary: For web testing using Selenium.
    • RPA framework: A collection of libraries and tools for RPA.
    • HTTP RequestsLibrary: For HTTP level testing.
    • Browser Library: A modern web testing library powered by Playwright.
    • AppiumLibrary: For Android and iOS testing.
    • RESTinstance: A test library for HTTP JSON APIs.
    • SSHLibrary: Enables executing commands on remote machines over SSH.

Remember, Robot Framework is free to use without licensing costs, making it a cost-effective choice for both testers and developers. Its flexibility and community support make it a powerful tool for automation and efficiency 🚀¹⁷..

  1. Robot Framework.
  2. Robot Framework User Guide.
  3. Robot Framework - Overview - Online Tutorials Library.
  4. Robot Framework User Guide.
  5. Getting Started with Robot Framework – Basic Concepts - Topcoder.
  6. What is the exactly use of Robot framework? - Stack Overflow.
  7. GitHub - robotframework/robotframework: Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA.
  8. Welcome to | ROBOT FRAMEWORK.

Regression testing?

Regression testing is a type of software testing conducted after a code update to ensure that the update introduced no new bugs. When changes are made to software—such as bug fixes, enhancements, or configuration adjustments—it's crucial to verify that existing features still perform as expected. Here's a concise explanation:

  1. Purpose: To confirm that recent code changes have not adversely affected existing functionalities.
  2. Process: Testers write and execute automated test suites for existing features.
  3. Impact Areas: Identify the parts of the software impacted by code changes.
  4. Test Cases: Re-run relevant test cases to ensure correctness.
  5. Automation: Regression testing is often automated to handle repetitive tasks efficiently.

For example, imagine a mobile app where users share short posts. A new personalized recommendation feature is added. Regression testing ensures that this addition doesn't break existing functionality. If any issues arise, they're fixed, and tests are re-run until everything passes. Companies relying on digital products frequently use regression testing to maintain core features and improve productivity through automation tools .

Why test automation is needed for regression testing?

Automated regression testing is a technique that allows QA engineers to thoroughly test a software product after it has undergone any kind of changes. It utilizes test scripts, plans, and workflows to speed up the process and make it more effective. Here are some reasons why test automation is crucial for regression testing:

  1. Efficiency: Automation eliminates the constraints of manual testing. Unlike manual testers, automated tests can run in parallel, significantly speeding up the testing process. This scalability ensures faster feedback and quicker bug detection³.

  2. Cost Savings: Regression testing automation saves time and money. It helps prevent sudden drops in product quality, which could erode customer trust. By catching issues early, businesses avoid costly fixes and maintain a reliable software product¹.

  3. Consistency: Automated tests execute the same steps consistently, reducing human error. Consistency ensures that regression tests cover all relevant scenarios, even as the codebase evolves⁴.

  4. Speed: Automation tools allow for rapid execution of test scripts. Parallelism further improves efficiency, enabling thorough testing within tight release cycles².

  5. Feedback Loop: With automation, you can quickly identify why tests fail. This feedback loop accelerates bug fixes and ensures a robust application⁴.

In summary, automated regression testing streamlines the testing process, enhances reliability, and contributes to overall software quality. 🚀

  1. Why is Automating Regression Testing so Important?.
  2. Automated Regression Testing: Benefits, Challenges, And How ... - TestFort.
  3. Why Automate Regression Testing? 5 Reasons - Leapwork.
  4. Automated Regression Testing: A Detailed Guide | BrowserStack.