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Development environment setup (OPS)

proposal for spring 2024

This can be applied

The different operating environments of product development

To develop software services, different operating environments are needed, which in Future Factory IT projects can be, for example, the following:

  • Production environment (Production_env)

The production environment (Production) refers to the service implementation used by end customers and this is a service that is maintained as well as possible.

  • Test environment (Test_env)

In the test environment, different development versions can be tested before export to production and their functionality can be tested. Only jointly approved tests give the right to update the production server. In the test environment, it is possible to test a wider entity, which uses, for example, integrations with external systems.

  • Development environment (Development_env)

The development environment can be considered a server where developers can test the service before exporting to the test environment. In the development environment, external system integrations have often had to be simulated with separate Stub/Mock solutions.

  • Demo environment

A demo environment can be offered to potential end users who want to try the service before making a purchase decision.

  • Personal development environment

The developer must have access to an independent development environment where he can focus on the development of limited features.

  • Personal test environment

The tester must be able to set up an independent test environment where changes made by the developer can be checked (verified) before system testing

CSC and virtual machine resources available

How to describe the development environment with PlantUML notation

an example that can be refined further

uml diagram