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Work Experience report

This is a draft template for work experience report. (Not ready yet)

  • REMEMBER This report is used to describe prior work experience which is not done as internship mode!!
  • You can find report templates also from Moodle from course TTV/TIC (TTHA0100)

Description of the Plainth

I did my internship at Business Ltd Pv. Write a business presentation here (business, products, services, staff, turnover, etc.).

Description of the job

Tell us about your job: What, how and when did you do?What kind of tasks did you take part in?Tell me who you worked with (colleagues, team, supervisors, own tutor, etc.).What kind of tools did you use?Describe your typical working day.

  • This part should also contain some examples/evidences about working in projects or as member in software development team.


In Future Factory (IT) work experience should be min 150h of work. How long period of time you have been working?

You can deliver work time report for selected time? In generic form?

Work analysis

What goals did you set for yourself at the start of your training?Did you reach them?If not, why?Were you able to take advantage of the studies you did?If you could, what and how?Would you have needed some more knowledge?If so what?What kind of challenges did you face?What do you learn?Did you enjoy?Did you feel in the right field?Would you have wanted to do something differently?Do you have suggestions for development or improvement?

Bundle here for your overall impression of training, summary.Think about what kind of snacks you practice gave you a deepening of your skills and developing working life capabilities (eg communication skills, project work skills, language skills).

About structure

The length of the training report on line spacing 1 is about three (3) text pages.You can see your report on your report with patterns if you want.Then remember to follow the JAMK reporting instructions: the patterns are numbered, they receive the caption and are referred to in the text before the pattern (see Figure 1).

Work certificate or signing

The report requires a feedback form and a work certificate filled by your employer.If you have done training as an hourly work, include hourly accounting.